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'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

2022-June-1 19:43 By: China Soong Ching Ling Foundation

  The "Junior Cultural Ambassadors," an event jointly launched by the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF) and overseas Chinese culture centers, recently attracted attention from around the world with its award ceremony at the China Soong Ching Ling Science & Culture Center for Young People.

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

  Reports of the 'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' event in Chinese.

  Sajid Mohamed Abdel Fattah Saleh, a 14-year-old girl from Egypt, won the title of "junior cultural ambassador." Inès Abdel Da?m, the Egyptian Minister of Culture, sent a congratulatory letter to her and another two Egyptian contestants, calling them "the future of the Egyptian soft power." Chinese ambassador to Egypt Liao Liqiang presented the contestants' prizes at the Chinese embassy and encouraged them to make more contributions to the mutual learning between China and Egypt.

  So far, mainstream media in Pakistan has published some 20 articles on the event, which were widely forwarded or retweeted on social media. About 30 overseas Chinese-language media channels have covered the event and produced more than 500 reports.

  The China News Service provided media support for the event and its reports were cited by dozens of domestic media outlets.

  Major outlets such as Xinhua News Agency, Central Media Group, and People's Daily and influential commercial websites like Sina.com.cn, News.qq.com, and 163.com all followed it closely, drawing attention from all walks of life.

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

Reports of the 'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' event in foreign languages.

  The "Junior Cultural Ambassadors" event has significantly deepened young people's understanding of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the traditional Chinese culture. Ali Shaheryar, a junior cultural ambassador from Pakistan, said the title was a great encouragement. Shen Qing, a Spanish-born Chinese, said cultural exchanges such as these happen all the time. Dinagi Dahamsa Dissanayake from Sri Lanka said that she was really happy to know the ideas and cultural backgrounds of the young people from different countries. Junior cultural ambassadors Ayman from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Liu Bowei from Hebei province, and Zhang Xiaoya from Hubei province, all wished to make more friends, further spread Chinese culture, and contribute to world peace.

'Junior Cultural Ambassadors' widely covered by media

  Launched last June, the first "Junior Cultural Ambassadors" event was widely covered by the media, attaining nearly 100 million views. It will be held again this year, though specific details have yet to be released.

  Sponsored by the CSCLF and supported by overseas Chinese cultural centers, the event "Junior Cultural Ambassadors" was organized by the China Soong Ching Ling Science & Culture Center for Young People, and themed around "build a dream for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics." Teenagers from nearly 40 countries submitted their videos and attracted a total of 28 million votes. Finally, 30 teenagers were given the title of "Junior Cultural Ambassadors," 30 were commended for their excellent performances, and 20 were honored in terms of popularity.

Editor: 钟蕾蕾
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