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Invitation to join CSCLF's Junior Cultural Ambassadors event

2022-September-5 17:42 By: China Soong Ching Ling Foundation

Invitation to join CSCLF's Junior Cultural Ambassadors event

Invitation to join CSCLF's Junior Cultural Ambassadors event

Promotion by overseas Chinese cultural centers of the event.

  The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2022. Details about the 2022 Junior Cultural Ambassador event can be found on the website of Guangming Online. Scan the QR code below to find out more and take part. Selected entries will be displayed on the web page, with a poll to find the best ones.

Invitation to join CSCLF's Junior Cultural Ambassadors event

Scan the QR code to find out more about the event.


  The CSCLF launched the 2022 Junior Cultural Ambassadors event in order to promote cultural exchanges and deepen bonds between people of different countries. The event is intended to create a platform for young people around the world to get to know one another both online and in-person. With the support of the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Guangming Online, the event is hosted by the China Soong Ching Ling Science & Culture Center for Young People (CSCLSCC) and the China Cultural Centers Overseas. Under the theme of "Get Connected Through Art: My Favorite Chinese Arts," the event encourages young people to exchange ideas and tell stories about Chinese culture by video.

Editor: 钟蕾蕾
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