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乐在北京Joy in Beijing

[责编:WPY]来源:2021-03-30 17:28

  • 内蒙古乌兰浩特市:备教材 迎开学

  • 湖南长沙:检修农机备春耕

  • 春耕牛市供销旺

  • 鹤舞雪域

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders在京参加Spartan比赛(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, Megan Reinders, a foreign resident was participating in the Spartan Competition in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

俄罗斯留学生戴简兮参加Fashion Show(北京服装学院 供稿)
Dai Jianxi (Chinese name), an Russian student from Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology is in a fashion show at Beijing (Contributed by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

俄罗斯留学生戴简兮在北京798艺术区”在在堂“美术馆举办个人艺术展“舍身食虎”(北京服装学院 供稿)
Dai Jianxi (Chinese name), an Russian student from Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology hosted her personal exhibition “Sacrificing Himself to Feed Tigers” at Beijing’s 798 Art District (Contributed by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

俄罗斯留学生戴简兮在北京感受用墨写字(北京服装学院 供稿)
Russian student Dai Jianxi (Chinese name) experiencing calligraphy with Chinese brush pen (Contributed by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

匈牙利留学生心晴在北京服装学院攻读摄影硕士专业(北京服装学院 供稿)
Xin Qing (her Chinese name), a Hungarian student is studying photography at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (Contributed by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2019年,罗马尼亚 NICOLETA-OLIMPIA参加招待会(北京国际汉语研修学院 供稿)
Nicoleta-Olimpia, from Romania, attended a banquet in Beijing in 2019 (Contributed by Beijing International Chinese College)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2019年,罗马尼亚 NICOLETA-OLIMPIA,长安街头(北京国际汉语研修学院 供稿)
Nicoleta-Olimpia from Romanian was having a photo with Beijing’s Chang’an Avenue in 2019 (Contributed by Beijing International Chinese College)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020.10,罗马尼亚 NICOLETA-OLIMPIA,长城落日(北京国际汉语研修学院 供稿)
Sunset on the Great Wall (Oct. 2020), by Nicoleta-Olimpia, a Romanian living in Beijing (Contributed by Beijing International Chinese College)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2017年,东城巧娘接待外国代表团,一起制作七彩粽子(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
In 2017, a foreign delegation visited Beijing Smart Ladies (Beijing Qiao Niang) at Dongcheng District and experienced making colorful rice puddings together. (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2019年,石景山区巧娘张凤兰在意大利罗马向约翰保罗二世学校学生讲授京式旗袍传统制作技艺的历史,体验旗袍盘扣书签的制作(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
In 2019, Zhang Fenglan, a Beijing Smart Lady gave a lecture at John Paul II School in Rome, Italy about how to make traditional Beijing-styled cheongsam. The picture shows her posting cheongsam-styled bookmarks with local students (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2019年,石景山巧娘张凤兰在泰国曼谷教授曼谷邦凯区拉威尼小学学生旗袍盘扣制作技艺(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
In 2019, Zhang Fenglan, a Beijing Smart Lady, was teaching students from a primary school in Bangkok, Thailand about how to make cheongsam pins. (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,延庆区巧娘郭春平参加“冬奥有她”文旅类女性小微企业基线调查报告发布研讨会,并在延庆区巧娘协会的指导下制作以长城和冬奥元素为主的皮雕画赠予北京冬奥组委(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
In 2020, Guo Chunping, a handicraft woman from Yanqing District attending the launch ceremony of “She and Winter Olympics” – An Investigatory Report on Cultural Tourism SMEs Operated by Females. She gifted her painting work to the Organizing Committee of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,朝阳区巧娘王耀参加北京市第三届妇女创新创意大赛暨手工技能大赛决赛(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
In 2020, Wang Yao, a handicraft woman from Chaoyang District was attending g the finals of the 3rd Beijing Women Creation and Handicraft Competition. (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,朝阳区巧娘蒯中民参加园博园依文城堡北京市第三届妇女创新创意大赛暨手工技能大赛决赛(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
Peng Zhongmin, a handicraft woman from Chaoyang District, was attending the finals of the 3rd Beijing Women Creation and Handicraft Competition in 2020. (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

东城区巧娘张艳春接待非洲肯尼亚内罗毕大学友人,教授中国结编织(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
Zhang Yanchun, a handicraft woman from Dongcheng District, was receiving a delegation from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and teaching a delegate how to do Chinese knot knitting (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

东城区巧娘接待智慧外国青年代表团,巧娘袁之俊教授制作中国结(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
The Dongcheng Qiaoniang Association was receiving a delegation of foreign youths, and Professor Yuan Zhijun was making Chinese knots for the delegation. (Contributed by Beijing Qiao Niang Handicraft Development Association)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders参加Spartan障碍赛吊栏杆前行环节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, foreign resident Megan Reinders was attending the Spartan Obstacle Race in Beijing (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders参加Spartan障碍赛攀爬环节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, foreign resident Megan Reinders was attending the Spartan Obstacle Race in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders参加Spartan障碍赛翻越环节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, foreign resident Megan Reinders was attending the Spartan Obstacle Race in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders参加Spartan障碍赛负重上坡环节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, foreign resident Megan Reinders was attending the Spartan Obstacle Race in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)


乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders参加Spartan障碍赛过泥坑环节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, foreign resident Megan Reinders was attending the Spartan Obstacle Race in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)


乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民Megan Reinders参加Spartan障碍赛,小组取得胜利(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
In 2020, foreign resident Megan Reinders attending the Spartan Obstacle Race in Beijing. This picture shows her team winning the championship. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Megan Reinders日常教学(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign resident Megan Reinders was teaching students in an international school in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina与女儿在北京街头逛街(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign resident Nina Vetrova and her daughter were wandering on streets in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina与学生的教学间隙(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova and her students during class break. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina为参加体操比赛的学生进行赛前指导(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova was giving instructions to her students before a gymnastics competition. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)


乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina在公园进行拉伸练习(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova was doing stretching exercises in a park. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina在前门游览(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova was touring around Beijing’s Qianmen area. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina在艺术馆参观(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova was visiting an art gallery in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina帮助学生拉伸(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova was helping a student doing stretching exercise. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民Nina进行体操教学(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina Vetrova was teaching gymnastics in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

外籍居民STRUBE AUDRA ELAINE在鸟巢游玩(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign resident Strube Audra Elaine was touring the Bird’s Nest area in Beijing. (Contributed by the Xiangmiwan Community of Konggang Sub-district of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2020年10月24日,北京,战胜疫情之后,镜头留下“最美书店”钟书阁西单老佛爷新店一名女士聚精会神地阅读“武汉抗疫日记”书籍景像。(丁帮学摄/光明图片 )
On October 24, 2020, Beijing, after the epidemic was contained, a woman was reading a book about fight against the Covid-19 in Wuhan attentively in a bookstore. (Photo by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

On July 24, 2019, members of the Beijing Disabled Women's Basketball Team doing physical training in a stadium. (Photo by Du Jianpo/Guangming Picture)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2021年新年,游客们在北海公园同新年吉祥物“小昂”合影,欢度佳节。(丁帮学摄/光明图片 )
During the Spring Festival of 2021, tourists were taking photos with the New Year mascot “Xiao Ang” in Beihai Park to celebrate the festival. (Photo by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

On October 5, 2019, an exhition of the floats for the 70th anniversary of the National Day parade was open to the public at the Beijing Exhibition Hall. Two high school girls was staring at the float theming “Winning the Poverty Fight in 2020”. (Photo by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

2021年2月4日,北京冬奥会倒计时一周年之际,北京2022官方特许商品旗舰店在北京王府井工美大厦一层开业。一群特殊的“售货员”上岗,他们是冬奥特许商品的设计师,将作为一线销售人员,现场为顾客讲解销售特许产品。(刘新武摄/光明图片 )
On February 4, 2021, on the one-year countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics, the official souvenir flagship store of Beijing 2022 opened at the first floor of Beijing Wangfujing Gongmei Building. A group of designers of winter Olympic licensed products showed up and served as frontline sales staff to explain and sell licensed products to customers. (Photo by Liu Xinwu/Guangming Picture)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

冬奥旗舰店亮相北京王府井金街(刘新武摄/光明图片 )
The Winter Olympics Souvenir flagship store opened at Wangfujing Jin Street, Beijing. (Photo by Liu Xinwu/Guangming Picture)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

埃及驻华使馆Farida Ibrahim,游览北京名胜古迹(埃及驻华大使馆 供稿)
Farida Ibrahim, from the Egyptian Embassy in China, was visiting Beijing’s historical sites (Contributed by the Egyptian Embassy in China)

乐在北京Joy in Beijing

来自巴西的雅丽在北京服装学院学习服装与服饰设计专业(北京服装学院 供稿)
Yali (Chinese name) from Brazil is studying fashion and design at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (Contributed by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology)