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[责编:WPY]来源:2021-03-31 15:47

  • 粤桂协作助深山苗寨文化振兴

  • 山东青岛:小小蓝莓果 致富金豆豆

  • 甘肃敦煌开通两条新航线

  • “丝路歌韵:敦煌舞乐服饰展示专场”活动在京举行



虎坊路卫生服务站医护工作者做游戏(牛云岗 摄/光明图片)
Medical workers at Hufang Road Health Service Station were having a lesure time. (Contributed by Niu Yungang/Guangming Picture)


虎坊路卫生服务站医护工作者共度传统佳节(牛云岗 摄/光明图片)
Medical workers at Hufang Road Health Service Station were celebrating traditional Chinese festivals (Contributed by Niu Yungang/Guangming Picture)


虎坊路卫生服务站医护工作者挂对联(牛云岗 摄/光明图片)
Medical workers at Hufang Road Health Service Station were posting with Spring Festival couplets (Contributed by Niu Yungang/Guangming Picture)


虎坊路卫生服务站医护工作者通过视频慰问亲属(牛云岗 摄/光明图片)
Medical workers at Hufang Road Health Service Station were greeting their families via video call (Contributed by Niu Yungang/Guangming Picture)


社区服务卫生中心为留京过年的白衣天使营造新春温暖(牛云岗 摄/光明图片)
A Community Health Center created a festival atmosphere for medical workers sticking to their posts while celebrating the Spring Festival in Beijing (Contributed by Niu Yungang/Guangming Picture)


2021年2月16日,北京消防救援总队大兴区消防救援支队的李瑶和陈璐工作中(焦子健 摄)
On February 16, 2021, Li Yao and Chen Lu of Fire and Rescue Brigade of Daxing District of Beijing were at work (Contributed by Jiao Zijian)


2021年2月16日,北京消防救援总队大兴区消防救援支队的李瑶和陈璐工作中(焦子健 摄)
On February 16, 2021, Li Yao and Chen Lu of Fire and Rescue Brigade of Daxing District of Beijing were at work (Contributed by Jiao Zijian)


2021年2月16日,北京消防救援总队大兴区消防救援支队的李瑶在大兴区维也纳国际酒店消防检查(焦子健 摄)
On February 16, 2021, Li Yao from Fire and Rescue Brigade of Daxing District of Beijing was having a routine check at the Vienna International Hotel (Contributed by Jiao Zijian)


2021年2月16日,北京消防救援总队大兴区消防救援支队的李瑶在大兴区维也纳国际酒店消防检查(焦子健 摄)
On February 16, 2021, Li Yao from Fire and Rescue Brigade of Daxing District of Beijing was having a routine check at the Vienna International Hotel (Contributed by Jiao Zijian)


2021年2月16日,北京消防救援总队大兴区消防救援支队的陈璐在大兴区维也纳国际酒店消防检查 (焦子健 )
On February 16, 2021, Chen Lu fromFire and Rescue Brigade of Daxing District of Beijing was having a routine check at the Vienna International Hotel (Contributed by Jiao Zijian)


2021年2月16日,北京消防救援总队大兴区消防救援支队的陈璐在大兴区维也纳国际酒店消防检查(焦子健 摄)
On February 16, 2021, Chen Lu from Beijing Fire Rescue Corp’ Daxing District Detachment was having a routine check at the Vienna International Hotel (Contributed by Jiao Zijian)


On August 5, 2016, a sanitation worker was working in scorching heat on Yangzhuang Street of Beijing’s Shijingshan District (Contributed by Du Jianpo/Guangming Picture)


2019年6月,北京市丰台区南四环路上,一位环卫工人在路上清扫。 (丁帮学摄/光明图片)
In June 2019, on the South Fourth Ring Road in Fengtai District, Beijing, a sanitation worker was cleaning the road (Contributed by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)


2020年1月25日,提前一周放假,北京二中师生“停课不停学”,开启了线上讲评课、线上教学分析会、线上家长会、线上期末结业式及相关教育教学活动。 (周良摄/光明图片)
On January 25, 2020, with "classes suspended but school nonstop", Beijing No. 2 Middle School opened online commentary classes, online teaching analysis meetings, online parent meetings, online end-of-term closing ceremony, and other education and teaching activities. (Contributed by Zhou Liang/Guangming Picture)


北京二中的教师们通过线上与学生进行期末课程讲评。 (周良摄/光明图片)
A Teacher from Beijing No. 2 Middle School was conducting final course reviews with students online. (Contributed by Zhou Liang/Guangming Picture)


2021年1月22日,随着北京朝阳至哈尔滨西的G913次列车驶出北京朝阳站,标志着北京至哈尔滨高铁北京至承德段正式开通运营,京哈高铁实现全线贯通。(杨宝森 摄/光明图片)
On January 22, 2021, as the G913 train from Beijing Chaoyang to Harbin West left Beijing Chaoyang Station, the Beijing-Chengde section of the Beijing-Harbin high-speed rail was officially put in operation, and the Beijing-Harbin high-speed rail route was fully operational. (Contributed by Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture)


2021年春运当中,她们如玫瑰一样在京哈高铁上悄然绽放,用温馨的服务让旅客体验更美好。(杨宝森 摄/光明图片)
During the 2021 Spring Festival, train attendants were offering warm services to passengers on the way. (Contributed by Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture)


中国铁路北京局集团有限公司北京客运段京哈动车车队167名平均年龄只有23岁的高铁小姐姐承担着京哈高铁复兴号高寒列车的值乘任务。(杨宝森 摄/光明图片)
The 167 high-speed train attendants with an average age of only 23 in the Beijing-Harbin EMU fleet of China Railway’s Beijing Bureau working on the duty of the Beijing-Harbin High-speed Railway Train. (Contributed by Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture)


在开往雪国的复兴号列车上,年轻的新一代高铁乘务员们坚守疫情防控岗位,苦练基本功,探索服务新举措,用新理念、新风貌,新作为,展现着新一代铁路女职工的担当。(杨宝森 摄/光明图片)
On the Fuxing bullet train bound for China’s northeast, the young train attendants were sticking to their posts while conducting pandemic prevention and control. By improving basic skills, exploring new service measures and embracing new concepts, they are showing the spirit of responsibility as the new generation of female railway workers in China. (Contributed by Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture)


高铁玫瑰在京哈线上悄然绽放 (杨宝森 摄/光明图片)
A train attendant was working on her post at the Beijing-Harbin High-speed Rail. (Contributed by Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture)


高铁玫瑰在京哈线上悄然绽放(杨宝森 摄/光明图片)
A train attendant was working on her post at the Beijing-Harbin High-speed Rail. (Contributed by Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture)


2021年2月20日,北京市丰台生态环境局监测站助理工程师张梦瑶正在检测分析水中石油类实验。(丁帮学 摄/光明图片)
On February 20, 2021, Zhang Mengyao, an assistant engineer at the monitoring station of Beijing Fengtai Ecology and Environment Bureau, is testing and analyzing water-based petroleum. (Contributed by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)


2021年2月20日,北京市丰台生态环境局监测站工程师崔思媛,正在检测分析污水中是否存在氰化物实验;该同志2012年参加工作,2020年荣获北京市生态环境监测质量管理岗位建功个人三等奖。(丁帮学 摄/光明图片)
On February 20, 2021, Cui Siyuan, an engineer at the monitoring station of the Beijing Fengtai Ecology and Environment Bureau, is testing and analyzing the presence of cyanide in the sewage. She started her career in 2012 and won a third-prize award for Beijing’s Ecological Environment Monitoring and Management in 2020. (Contributed by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)


2021年2月20日,北京市丰台生态环境局监测站工程师杨红伟,正在检测分析水中氨氮实验;该同志2013年参加工作,2020年荣获北京市生态环境监测质量管理岗位建功个人三等奖。(丁帮学 摄/光明图片)
On February 20, 2021, Yang Hongwei, an engineer at the monitoring station of the Beijing Fengtai Ecology and Environment Bureau, is testing and analyzing the presence of ammonia nitrogen in water. She started her career in 2013 and won a third-prize award for Beijing’s Ecological Environment Monitoring and Management in 2020. (Contributed by Ding Bangxue/Guangming Picture)