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住在北京Living in Beijing

[责编:WPY]来源:2021-03-31 16:01

  • 粤桂协作助深山苗寨文化振兴

  • 山东青岛:小小蓝莓果 致富金豆豆

  • 甘肃敦煌开通两条新航线

  • “丝路歌韵:敦煌舞乐服饰展示专场”活动在京举行

住在北京Living in Beijing


2020年,左家庄市民活动中心举办中外友人交流品茶会(北京巧娘手工艺发展促进会 供稿)
In 2020, a Mini Internatioanl Tea Tasting Event was held at the Zuojiazhuang Citizen Activity Center. (Contributed by Beijing Qiaoniang Handicraft Development Association)

住在北京Living in Beijing

2020年,外籍居民苏雷什和卡尔蒂卡一家获得“首都最美家庭”称号(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Suresh Varma and Karthika Varma, an Indian family living in Beijing was given the title of "Most Beautiful Families in Beijing" in 2020. (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民LACATANGO GRACE与儿子在北京的第一个圣诞节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Lacatango Grace, a foreign resident was celebrating her first Christmas in Beijing with her son (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民LACATANGO GRACE和她在北京出生的儿子(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Lacatango Grace and her Beijing-born son (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民NINA和孩子在中外文化交流汇演活动中品尝糖人(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nina and her daughter were tasting sugar-figure at a Chinese-Foreigner Culture Exchange Event (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民PEDRICK一家参加中外文化交流文艺汇演,表演全家合唱(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
The Pedrick family were performing a chorus in a Chinese-Foreigner Culture Exchange Event (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民玛利亚为新疆和田地区孤残儿童编织毛衣(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Maria was knitting a sweater for orphans of Hotan, Xinjiang (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者Delisa参加垃圾分类宣传普及活动(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Delisa was participating in the awareness campaign for garbage sorting as a foreign volunteer (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者Delisa在新国展作为志愿者支援大规模核酸检测(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Delisa volunteered to take part in the massive nucleic acid test in China International Exhibition Center. (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民Delisa为新疆和田地区孤残儿童编织毛衣(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Delisa was knitting a sweater for orphans of Hotan, Xinjiang (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者VERONICA WARITAY参加垃圾分类活动,并做出承诺(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Veronica Waritay, a foreign volunteer, pledging her commitment to the garbage sorting campaign (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民VERONICA WARITAY和HENRIES KULA ORAINA参与垃圾分类活动,并在承诺墙上签字(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign residents Veronica Waritay and Henries Kula Oraina were participating in garbage sorting activities and leaving their names on the signature wall (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民龙小西参加中外文化交流活动的知识竞赛环节(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreigner resident Laura Maria Vendrell Sabat was taking part in a Quiz Session at a Chinese-Foreigner Culture Exchange Event (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者龙小西在小区入口执勤(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Laura Maria Vendrell Sabat, a foreign volunteer, was taking the temperature of incoming residents at the entrance of her community (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者参加门岗值守活动会谈(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign volunteers were having a meeting on the pandemic provention and control arrangement(Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者交流门岗值守经验(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign volunteers were exchanging their experience while working for the pandemic provention and control (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者卡尔蒂卡学写毛笔字为中国抗疫加油(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign volunteer Kartika was writing calligraphy to cheer on China’s fight against Covid-19. (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者娜娜和卡尔蒂卡疫情期间在小区入口执勤,检查体温(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nana and Kartika volunteered to take temperature for incoming residents at the entrance of community(Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍居民娜娜和洛林为居家隔离的小朋友举办在线英语课堂(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Nana and Lorraine, two foreign residents living in Beijing, were offerring a free online English class to kids under quarantine (contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

社区工作者给参与社区疫情防控的外籍志愿者娜娜和洛林发放志愿者工作服(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
A community worker was distributing volunteer uniforms to foreign volunteers Nana and Lorraine (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

外籍志愿者玛利亚支援新国展全员核酸排查(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Maria,a foreign volunteer, participated in nucleic acid test at the China International Exhibition Center. (contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)

住在北京Living in Beijing

顺义区香蜜湾社区外籍志愿者队伍为中国加油(北京市顺义区空港街道香蜜湾社区 供稿)
Foreign volunteers from Xiangmiwan Community, Shunyi District showed their support for China (Contributed by Xiangmiwan Community, Konggang Subdistrict of Beijing’s Shunyi District)